I think they've been too smart with their rebranding for it to be done in house. I wonder what third party company they had come in and do all this.
Coded Logic
JoinedPosts by Coded Logic
Yay!!! Rebranding!!!! It's all so clear!
by DATA-DOG ini apologize for not posting all the info with hi-lights, but it's nothing you geniuses can't figure out.
i have no laptop and can't use the wife's, it's too risky.
there are two websites i checked out, just out of curiosity.
Favorite Episode of Star Trek
by Coded Logic incalling all tos, tng, ds9, voyager, or enterprise fans, what's your favorite serries and why?
and what's your favorite episode and why?.
(too many choices on netflix for me to decide which to watch right now).
Coded Logic
Calling all TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, or Enterprise fans, what's your favorite serries and why? And what's your favorite episode and why?
(Too many choices on Netflix for me to decide which to watch right now)
Why the WTBTS is liable for Sex Abuse Cases
by Coded Logic inthe problem isn't just that kids are getting raped by people in their congregation.
the problem's also that anytime someone has "serrious charges" brought against them the elders add notes to that jws publisher file.
and, if the elders don't take the matter to the police or, as is often the case, tell the victims families not to take it to the police either, this establishes a level of accountability.. take daniel fitzwater for example.
Coded Logic
The problem isn't just that kids are getting raped by people in their congregation. The problem's also that anytime someone has "serrious charges" brought against them the elders add notes to that JWs publisher file. And, if the Elders don't take the matter to the police or, as is often the case, tell the victims families not to take it to the police either, this establishes a level of accountability.
Take Daniel Fitzwater for example. He had complaints from 20 seperate witnesses reporting abuse on file at the Watchtower branch. But since none of the complaints met the "two person rule" nothing was done to him.
(9minutes 40 seconds in)
Who knows how many other repeat offenders the WTBTS has on file. I'm not sure making all official directions come from the CO instead of the branch is going to make the Society any less accountable.
How many lawsuits can the WTBTS absorb?
by Coded Logic init seems like the society has been desperately seeking ways to cut costs and boost reviniew (jw.org, kingdom hall programs, etc) over the past four or five years.
is this because donations are actually down?
or have they been preparing themselves for these lawsuits?
Coded Logic
It seems like the society has been desperately seeking ways to cut costs and boost reviniew (jw.org, kingdom hall programs, etc) over the past four or five years. Is this because donations are actually down? Or have they been preparing themselves for these lawsuits? If so, how many can they possibly absorb. Ten million dollars a pop is not sustainable even for a corporation as big as the BORG. And how long before the R&F start seeing these cases in the news all the time? The more cases in the spotlight - the more JWs will come out with their own bad experiances. Creating even more lawsuits.
Even if they changed their 2 witness policy today there are still hundreds of potential lawsuits from molestations that happened over the past few decades.
The High Cost Of War
by designs inbritain is refinancing some soverign war bonds dating from the crimean war, napoleonic war and wwi, 2 $billion worth.
2 century old debt.. our president has been reluctant to begin another war when the debt of the previous two wars hangs heavy.
those of the prowar persuasion have insisted on 'boots on the ground' a move that would require 100,000s of personnel in the middle east and allocating billions in debt to cover the cost.. "every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed" president eisenhower.
Coded Logic
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
-Edmund Burke
ISIS is helll bent on enacting a worldwide Caliphate. They have committed mass executions dozens of times and posted the vidoes online to brag about it, they have decapitated tens of thousands of men and children and displayed their heads on spikes in EVERY SINGLE city they control, they have raped women by the thousands and sold hundreds as sex slaves, and they force people to convert to Islam or die.
ISIS is a group that will exceed the horror of the Nazi's if we but do nothing.
Singapore: The Religious consequences of Tim Cook coming out as gay
by fulltimestudent inas if we needed any further evidence that the minds of christians are not all that they should be, the shenagins in the christian segment of the christian segment of the singapore population once again demonstrated that each time they fart, they blow some of their brains away, and sadly they fart so much that there's not much brain left.. i guess most people have heard that time cook (boss of apple) publically stated this week that he was gay and proud of it.
in most of the western world, it barely caused a ripple, but not so in singapore where christians are always lobbying the government against sin.. but, tim cook as a gay man provoked the ire of the singaporean church leadership.. i have not heard that anyone claimed that using an apple iphone would make you gay, but prominent church leader lawrence khong, was commissioned as an apostle by dr. peter wagner, of the international coalition of apostles, in 2000. .
on hearing the news about tim cook, lawrence khong stop using iphone and even denounced technology altogether.
Coded Logic
5.5 agerage? Well . . . maybe for an Asain
Eleven Dead and over 45 Injured!
by Atlantis inposted on a jw site!.
eleven jehovahs witnesses dead and over 45 injured in honduras bus accident.
.. .. atlantis!.
Coded Logic
I'm sure the WTBTS is already starting to lawyer up:
According to The Daily, the bus lacked the necessary permits and inspections for carrying out excursions such as this one, which involved a group of Jehovah's Witnesses from Choloma, who were on a religious outing.
The daily added the group's religious affiliation complicated treatment of the injured, since their religion bars blood transfusions.
Eleven Dead and over 45 Injured!
by Atlantis inposted on a jw site!.
eleven jehovahs witnesses dead and over 45 injured in honduras bus accident.
.. .. atlantis!.
Coded Logic
My heart goes out to their friends and family. I hope that for once the WTBTS will put its money where its mouth is and look after the needs of the surviors and familes who lost fathers, wives, daughters, sons, etc. This is truly tragic.
If Halloween, Christmas, Birthdays, Thanksgiving became all of a sudden acceptable, would you be ready to join up?
by Quarterback inhow fast do you think the wt would grow if all these celebrations were no longer an issue?.
Coded Logic
I think it would be more determental than beneficial for them. The "we are different than everyone else" card is their biggest theological position. The more they become like other religions, the less they can play that card.
Where is Jesus *RIGHT NOW*?
by kairos inlet's say he began ruling in 1914.. where is that rulership?.
i'm hoping this line of thought gets someone thinking.. .
Coded Logic
Pushing daisies.